These findings are shared for research purposes and indications for decision makers to help them broaden perspectives and expand understanding until they materialize in a reviewed paper.

Humidity levels

We have found an inverse correlation between humidity levels and absolute death counts.

  March average relative humidity % (-0.63, significant at 0.01)

  January average relative humidity % (-0.58, significant at 0.05)

  February average relative humidity % (-0.56, significant at 0.05)


A similar trend is also confirmed in the study from Beihang University in Beijing, China that R0 is lowered by 0.0225 and 0.0158, respectively for absolute temp in C and relative % in humidity. Both factors use the real line centering at 0 C and 0%:

  1 degree increase in temperature in Celsius in a 3-day average

  1% increase in relative humidity 


This is highly correlated with studies with influenza, too. Read the paper here:


This humidity correlation may contribute to explain why coastal cities often faired better. Londo, Madrid, Brussels, Milan, Paris  were hardest hit in Europe in that order whilst none is coastal. Hardest hit coastal cities would be Barcelona, Stockholm, and Amsterdam. The latter had either no lockdown or a very mild lockdown.


Humidity is only a factor as cities like Frankfurt or Berlin were mostly spared whilst New York was hit hard. These cases maybe explained by factors exposed further in this paper and related to context, policies and urbanism.

Solidity: Correlation and consistent with other studies

Impact : 2 (Significant)

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